Learn About Air Pollution in A Household

Learn About Air Pollution in A Household

Air pollution is generally associated with the outdoors, but a room in your house can also be polluted. There are several aspects that contribute to indoor air pollution that we should pay more attention to. 

Several Household Devices That Contributes to Air Pollution

  • Air Conditioner (AC)

AC, or air conditioner, is a device used to lower room temperature. This device is quite common in Indonesia, with practically every household and workplace in major cities owning one.

However, air conditioners can also contribute to indoor pollution. This occurs when the air conditioner is turned on all day and the homeowner does not open the window, causing the air in the room to remain damp and unhealthy, particularly for children and individuals suffering from asthma.


In addition, the AC required maintenance and cleaning. Clean them on a regular basis to ensure that the air produced by the air conditioner is safe for children and adults to breathe.


  • Cooking Gas/ Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Cooking gas may also contribute to poor indoor air quality. This occurs when an excessive amount of carbon monoxide gas is inhaled, resulting in nausea, fatigue, headache, and other illnesses.


  • Electronic Devices

This category is more focused on radiation that is produced in the form of electromagnetic field waves or EMF. According to Dr. Ulfi Umroni, EMF waves can lead to long-term symptoms such as anxiety, headache, nausea, exhaustion, and depression. As a result, limit your use of technological gadgets and get enough of rest.


Substances That Contribute To Bad Indoor Air Quality

  • VOC

One of the most common sources of indoor air pollution in a home is the use of wall paint that contains an excessive amount of VOCs, or Volatile Organic Compounds. VOC is a chemical that evaporates easily and, under certain conditions, could make the air poisonous.

In addition to wall paint, VOCs can be present in carpet or furniture. Prior to use, make sure to expose a newly purchased carpet to the sun for an entire day. This will cause the VOCs to evaporate and be neutralized naturally. As for VOCs in furniture, it is essential to open the windows or doors on a regular basis to allow air circulation and neutralize harmful substances indoors.


  • Ammonia dan Chlorine

Other dangerous substances to breathe are ammonia and chlorine, which are commonly found in floor cleaner. Both substances are harmful to the respiratory system, so it is preferable to wear a mask when cleaning the floor with ammonia and chlorine-containing floor cleaners, or use warm water mixed with baking soda as an alternative to floor cleaners.

If you've already used ammonia and chlorine floor cleaners, keep the doors and windows open for a bit. This will neutralize the air in your home, providing the best air quality for you to breathe in.


  • Ethanol, Camphor, Phenol, and Formaldehyde

Ethanol, camphor, phenol, and formaldehyde were among harmful substances found in air fresheners, which might trigger headaches and asthma. The use of air fresheners is acceptable, but it is crucial to examine the ingredients contained in the air freshener to ensure that the air in your home is safe to breathe for everyone and especially little ones.


  • Cigarette Smokes

As we all know, cigarette smoke can cause various kinds of diseases, including bronchitis, sinusitis, and asthma. Cigarette smoke can cause persons who inhale it to become passive smokers, which is extremely dangerous; therefore, it is best to smoke outside.



How Outdoor Conditions Influence Indoor Air Quality

Aside from other variables in a home, such as household items that make the air less healthy due to substances contained in various household products, there are other external factors that might influence indoor air quality, such as transport vehicles and smokes from waste burning.

Smoke from vehicles and waste burning can easily be transferred into our homes by air. This polluted the room that the smokes entered, making it less healthy to breathe.


Possible Health Risk Caused by Inhaling Unhealthy Air in A Room

  • Asthma

Asthma, also known as asthmatic bronchiale, is a disease that causes long-term respiratory problems due to narrowing of the airway passages. This will continue for a long period, with symptoms including coughing, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing.


  • Acute Respiratory Infection

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the majority of acute respiratory infection patients have inherited respiratory infections. Symptoms of acute respiratory infection include coughing, cold/flu, and fever.


  • Bronchopneumonia

Bronchopneumonia is an illness caused largely by bacteria, viruses, or mold. The person who suffers has difficulty breathing because the lungs are not getting enough air.


Ways to Keep Air Quality Healthy

  • Clean the House

Cleaning our home, such as mopping with a safe floor cleaner, is the first and most important approach to keep the air we breathe healthy. Make sure to clean your sofa, chair, tables, and other furniture on a regular basis.


  • Use Ventilation to Filter the Air

Another option is to use air ventilation to filter the air and remove contaminants; typically, ventilation is composed of wire. The idea is to keep pollution, such as dust, from entering our home and making it dirty. In addition to being unhygienic for our home, dust can harm our respiratory systems.


  • More Plants at Home

The most successful method is to plant multiple plants, such as flowers and trees. In addition to being more aesthetically pleasing, plants can act as a natural air filter in a house. This is because air plants require carbon dioxide, which is hazardous to humans, to perform photosynthesis. Photosynthesis produces the oxygen that all

That was an explanation of indoor air pollution in a household. Starting with what items can pollute the indoor air, harmful substances, how outdoor conditions can influence indoor air quality, potential health risks caused by poor air quality, and how to preserve healthy air.

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