DREW’s Healthy Insight

Start New Healthier Habits

Mulai Kebiasaan Baru yang Menyehatkan

Drew Indonesia

  Tahun baru merupakan waktu yang tepat untuk fokus ke kesehatan dan gaya hidup sehat. Dalam perjalanan menuju gaya hidup sehat, setiap pilihan sangat berarti, terutama saat menyangkut barang yang kita...

Drew Indonesia

Mulai Kebiasaan Baru yang Menyehatkan

  Tahun baru merupakan waktu yang tepat untuk fokus ke kesehatan dan gaya hidup sehat. Dalam perjalanan menuju gaya hidup sehat, setiap pilihan sangat berarti, terutama saat menyangkut barang yang kita...

DREW, The Best Air Purifier As Seen On Tokopedia

DREW Air Purifier Terbaik Versi Tokopedia

Drew Indonesia

Air Purifier merupakan salah satu alat yang cukup penting untuk dimiliki setiap rumah. Ditambah lagi dengan maraknya kasus kesehatan yang disebabkan oleh polusi udara, air purifier pun menjadi hal yang...

Drew Indonesia

DREW Air Purifier Terbaik Versi Tokopedia

Air Purifier merupakan salah satu alat yang cukup penting untuk dimiliki setiap rumah. Ditambah lagi dengan maraknya kasus kesehatan yang disebabkan oleh polusi udara, air purifier pun menjadi hal yang...

Air Pollution and Ways to Prevent It

Polusi Udara serta Cara Pencegahannya

Drew Indonesia

Udara yang tercemar dengan berbagai partikel berbahaya tidak hanya merusak lingkungan alam, tetapi dapat pula mengganggu kesehatan. Partikel-partikel tersebut berasal dari berbagai macam sumber, mulai dari asap rokok, asap pabrik...

Drew Indonesia

Polusi Udara serta Cara Pencegahannya

Udara yang tercemar dengan berbagai partikel berbahaya tidak hanya merusak lingkungan alam, tetapi dapat pula mengganggu kesehatan. Partikel-partikel tersebut berasal dari berbagai macam sumber, mulai dari asap rokok, asap pabrik...

How to Overcome Airborne Allergies

Tips Mengatasi Alergi Udara

Drew Indonesia

Beberapa waktu belakangan, kita tentu merasakan perubahan cuaca yang sangat tidak stabil di sekitar kita. Terlebih, musim hujan kini semakin mendekat dan sebentar lagi musim yang cukup dingin tersebut akan...

Drew Indonesia

Tips Mengatasi Alergi Udara

Beberapa waktu belakangan, kita tentu merasakan perubahan cuaca yang sangat tidak stabil di sekitar kita. Terlebih, musim hujan kini semakin mendekat dan sebentar lagi musim yang cukup dingin tersebut akan...

Learn About Air Pollution in A Household

Mengetahui Polusi Udara di Dalam Rumah

Drew Indonesia

Polusi udara identik dengan kondisi udara pada luar ruangan, namun ternyata sebuah ruangan yang terletak di dalam rumah juga bisa tercemar atau mengalami polusi udara. Ada beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan...

Drew Indonesia

Mengetahui Polusi Udara di Dalam Rumah

Polusi udara identik dengan kondisi udara pada luar ruangan, namun ternyata sebuah ruangan yang terletak di dalam rumah juga bisa tercemar atau mengalami polusi udara. Ada beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan...

Can Air Purifier Make Little Ones Sleeps Better?

Penggunaan Air Purifier Bisa Membuat Si Kecil T...

Drew Indonesia

Berbincang tentang Si Kecil yang tidur, penting bagi Moms untuk menciptakan suasana kamar yang cenderung sleepy-friendly dan nyaman. Ya, hal ini dikarenakan tidur adalah waktu istirahat terbaik bagi Si Kecil dan berpengaruh...

Drew Indonesia

Penggunaan Air Purifier Bisa Membuat Si Kecil Tidur Lebih Nyenyak, Benarkah ?

Berbincang tentang Si Kecil yang tidur, penting bagi Moms untuk menciptakan suasana kamar yang cenderung sleepy-friendly dan nyaman. Ya, hal ini dikarenakan tidur adalah waktu istirahat terbaik bagi Si Kecil dan berpengaruh...

Fanny Ghassani
DREW air purifier is so stylish! i fell in love after knowing about the importance of clean air in the house. For those who have allergies like me, this is one of the solution you dont know you needed!

Fanny Ghassani

Yessiel Trivena
Is there anyone who feel the same like me? Everytime I sleep, I sometimes have shortness of breath, (not because it hurts) but because the air in the room is polluted. Well, after I tried it for 1 month, to be honest DREW Air Purifier is really good and and make sleep more soundly with fresher air! #HonestReview

Yessiel Trivena

Nita Js (Make Up Artist)
When my pregnancy gets bigger, one of the most important things is cleanliness of the air in the room. Good air quality is very important to maintain the health of pregnant women like me now 😊 One of the solutions I chose was Drew Air purifier, which uses HEPA 13 filters and carbon filters and assisted by UV light to ensure the air is cleaner and free of pollutants. 🤗

Nita Js (Make Up Artist)

Kevin Lilliana
It's been more than a month I am using DREW air purifier, especially when I am sleeping. I'm very easy to get allergies from unhealthy air, especially dust. Since I use DREW air purifier while sleeping, it really helps reduce my allergy symptoms when I wake up. So for me, healthy air is very important, especially if we have air allergy problems. By simply switching this DREW Air Purifier on, it can purify air circulation at home 🥰

Kevin Lilliana

Munira Agile
For me, health is the most priority for my family. For those of you who don't know the functional of Air Purifier, what is it actually for? DREW Air purifier can filter room air from all dust, odors, mites, pollutants up to 0.3 microns. That's why I put DREW Airpurifer every corner in the house , so my house is free from unecessary things DREW is here to be a solution & choice for me and my family.

Munira Agile

Elika Natania B
I'm so delighted that i found DREW Air Purifier! The one that i need it the most! Besides, i live in a cluster theres still renovation going on also pollution everywhere! Thank god, we're saved!

Elika Natania B

Reynaldi Rifaldo
i dont know much about Air Purifier but since I spent most of time in my office, i surely can feel the changes after 2 weeks of usage.The ambience become cleainer than ever. Thankyou DREW!

Reynaldi Rifaldo

Iyas Lawrence
Since most of us have been nesting for quite some time now, let me introduce you @drewcare.id that purifies up to 99,97% of air particle with Pure HEPA 13 filter and neutralize bad odors. The Pure 1 is Ideal for your room and the Pure 3 is suitable for larger rooms at home. Sleep better with the noise concellation and the night light mode. Thank me later #BernafasLebihBaik

Iyas Lawrence

Nadia Omara
I've always known every breathe we takes really does matter. So, does the air quality. Good air quality could brings even a better life! #BernafasLebihBaik stimulates a positive immune response, so breathing good quality air and good breathing is one of the most effective things we can do right now.Thankyou DREW!.🤗

Nadia Omara

Tiara Pangestika
For me, using air purifier is such an health investment especially for my family's health and wellbeing. For those who are not familiar, air purifiers can help to filter room air from dust, bad odors, to germs & viruses. That's why I used it for the baby's room, and in the work room where my husband used to be WFH and my sister went to school online.Here I use @ drewcare.id so I can #BernafasLebihBaik because #EveryoneDeservesBetterAir

Tiara Pangestika

Karina Prabasari
In this pandemic situation, as a mother we really have to decide whats best for our family. One of the best thing that we can do in state #Dirumahaja, i decide to chooseDREW Air Purifier to prevents our home from bacteria, virus and dangerous particles!.

Karina Prabasari

So, in the last few days, I tried this Drew Air Purifier. With the renovation going on at my house, DREW is very helpful to filter all the unnecassary dust. And without me realizing it, i sleep even better with DREW at my room! Thankyou DREW!


Melaney Ricardo
Did you know? The amount of the air that we breathe much greater than the food and the drinks we consume? Yet nobody cares about the air quality in our home. We can improve indoor air quality by using DREW air purifier which can clean the air in our homes. Especially if you have children at home, it is very important to maintain air quality, so you can avoid allergies and dangerous viruses.

Melaney Ricardo

Baskara Putra
i have total 12 cats at my house. Can you imagine the amount of furs flying in the air? i can find furs literally everywhere, in the corner of my house. Not to mention, if its sticking to furniture, clothes or even to our body nose. But i got it covered! DREW do the work, me and my cats will be doing just fine! Thankyou DREW

Baskara Putra

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